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botkube migrate

botkube migrateโ€‹

Automatically migrates Botkube installation into Botkube Cloud


Automatically migrates Botkube installation to Botkube Cloud. This command will create a new Botkube Cloud instance based on your existing Botkube configuration, and upgrade your Botkube installation to use the remote configuration.

Supported Botkube bot platforms for migration:

  • Socket Slack
  • Discord
  • Mattermost


  • Plugins are sourced from Botkube repository

Use label selector to choose which Botkube pod you want to migrate. By default it's set to app=botkube.


$ botkube migrate --label app=botkube --instance-name botkube-slack # Creates new Botkube Cloud instance with name botkube-slack and migrates pod with label app=botkube to it

botkube migrate [OPTIONS] [flags]


  -y, --auto-approve                         Skips interactive approval for upgrading Botkube installation.
--cfg-exporter-image-registry string Registry for the Config Exporter job image (default "")
--cfg-exporter-image-repo string Repository for the Config Exporter job image (default "kubeshop/botkube-config-exporter")
--cfg-exporter-image-tag string Tag of the Config Exporter job image (default "v9.99.9-dev")
--cfg-exporter-poll-period duration Interval used to check if Config Exporter job was finished (default 1s)
--cfg-exporter-timeout duration Maximum execution time for the Config Exporter job (default 1m0s)
--cloud-api-url string Botkube Cloud API URL (default "")
--cloud-dashboard-url string Botkube Cloud URL (default "")
--cloud-env-api-key string API key environment variable name specified under Deployment for cloud installation. (default "CONFIG_PROVIDER_API_KEY")
--cloud-env-endpoint string Endpoint environment variable name specified under Deployment for cloud installation. (default "CONFIG_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT")
--cloud-env-id string Identifier environment variable name specified under Deployment for cloud installation. (default "CONFIG_PROVIDER_IDENTIFIER")
-h, --help help for migrate
--image-tag string Botkube image tag, e.g. "latest" or "v1.7.0"
--instance-name string Botkube Cloud Instance name that will be created
--kubeconfig string Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
--kubecontext string The name of the kubeconfig context to use.
-l, --label string Label used for identifying the Botkube pod (default "app=botkube")
-n, --namespace string Namespace of Botkube pod (default "botkube")
-q, --skip-connect Skips connecting to Botkube Cloud after migration
--skip-open-browser Skips opening web browser after migration
--timeout duration Maximum time during which the Botkube installation is being watched, where "0" means "infinite". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "ยตs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". (default 10m0s)
--token string Botkube Cloud authentication token
-w, --watch --timeout Watches the status of the Botkube installation until it finish or the defined --timeout occurs. (default true)

Options inherited from parent commandsโ€‹

  -v, --verbose int/string[=simple]   Prints more verbose output. Allowed values: 0 - disable, 1 - simple, 2 - trace (default 0 - disable)