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Version: Unreleased ๐Ÿšง

botkube install

botkube installโ€‹

install or upgrade Botkube in k8s cluster


Use this command to install or upgrade the Botkube agent.

botkube install [OPTIONS] [flags]


# Install latest stable Botkube version
botkube install

# Install Botkube 0.1.0 version
botkube install --version 0.1.0

# Install Botkube from local git repository. Needs to be run from the main directory.
botkube install --repo @local


      --atomic                       If set, process rolls back changes made in case of failed install/upgrade. The --wait flag will be set automatically if --atomic is used
-y, --auto-approve Skips interactive approval when upgrade is required.
--chart-name string Botkube Helm chart name. (default "botkube")
--dependency-update Update dependencies if they are missing before installing the chart
--description string add a custom description
--disable-openapi-validation If set, it will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema
--dry-run Simulate an installation
--force Force resource updates through a replacement strategy
-h, --help help for install
--kubeconfig string Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
--kubecontext string The name of the kubeconfig context to use.
--namespace string Botkube installation namespace. (default "botkube")
--no-hooks Disable pre/post install/upgrade hooks
--release-name string Botkube Helm chart release name. (default "botkube")
--render-subchart-notes If set, render subchart notes along with the parent
--repo string Botkube Helm chart repository location. It can be relative path to current working directory or URL. Use @stable tag to select repository which holds the stable Helm chart versions. (default "")
--reset-values When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart
--reuse-values When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides from the command line via --set and -f. If '--reset-values' is specified, this is ignored
--set stringArray Set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
--set-file stringArray Set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)
--set-json stringArray Set JSON values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=jsonval1,key2=jsonval2)
--set-literal stringArray Set a literal STRING value on the command line
--set-string stringArray Set STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
--skip-crds If set, no CRDs will be installed.
--timeout duration Maximum time during which the Botkube installation is being watched, where "0" means "infinite". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "ยตs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". (default 10m0s)
-f, --values strings Specify values in a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple)
--version string Botkube version. Possible values @latest, 1.2.0, ... (default "@latest")
-w, --watch --timeout Watches the status of the Botkube installation until it finish or the defined --timeout occurs. (default true)

Options inherited from parent commandsโ€‹

  -v, --verbose int/string[=simple]   Prints more verbose output. Allowed values: 0 - disable, 1 - simple, 2 - trace (default 0 - disable)